Signed in as:
16.02.23 - 26.03.23
In her newest solo exhibition, artist Charlotte Grayland presents Swings & Roundabouts, supported by the Arts Council of Wales. Her show spanning across two sister venues; Cardiff MADE and Oriel Y Bont, Treforest, will explore a personal relationship to childhood games as a metaphor for how we can navigate our lives.
The show will consider the exhuming of memory through objects and game structures, whilst exploring the formation of identity in childhood, asking audiences to remember their collective pasts.
Taking inspiration from childhood experiences growing up in rural South Wales, a mix of sculpture, video, and 2D work will reclaim memories of family dynamics, reinterpreting the known structures and forms of universal childhood games and systems into a collection of made props and objects.
Yn ei harddangosfa unigol newydd, mae Charlotte Grayland yn cyflwyno Swings & Roundabouts, wedi ei gefnogi gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Bydd ei sioe sy’n rhychwantu dwy chwaer-leoliad; Cardiff MADE ac Oriel Y Bont, Trefforest, yn archwilio sut all cysylltiadau personol â gemau plentyndod weithredu fel trosiad ar gyfer y modd y gallwn lywio ein bywydau.
Bydd y sioe yn ystyried y broses o ddatgladdu atgofion drwy gyfrwng gwrthrychau a strwythurau gemau, yn ogystal â ffurfiant hunaniaeth o fewn plentyndod, gan ofyn i gynulleidfaoedd gofio eu gorffennol casglebol.
Wedi’i hysbrydoli gan atgofion plentyndod o’i magwraeth yn Ne Cymru wledig, bydd cymysgedd o gerfluniau, fideo, a gwaith 2D yn adfer atgofion o’r ddeinamig teuluol, gan ailddychmygu strwythurau a ffurfiau cydnabyddedig gemau a systemau plentyndod byd-eang ar ffurf casgliad o bropiau a gwrthrychau gwneuthuredig.
For Grayland, Swings & Roundabouts hosts “artworks that act as a portal to discuss memory, relationships between people, and intimate moments in the domestic or familiar space.
I’m transforming and expanding patterns and rhythms of play, placing those rules at the centre of human experience, and drawing on my own childhood which shapes my view, how I process the world."
As Zoë Gingell, Curator of the joint exhibition spaces explains;
“This duality is explored by Grayland both through the work and consciously in linking the work across the two exhibition sites.
They form a complete picture; part riddle and part answer. In the twin shows, Grayland seeks to engage audiences in reconnecting with gameplay in adulthood as a way to understand and observe the mechanisms of one’s own inner life.”
Dywed Grayland “dyma weithiau celf sy’n gweithredu fel porth i drafod atgofion, perthnasau rhwng pobl, ac eiliadau clòs yn y gofod domestig neu gyfarwydd.
Rwy’n trawsnewid ac ehangu patrymau a rhythmau chwarae, gan osod y rheolau hynny’n ganolog i’r profiad dynol, a thynnu ar brofiadau fy mhlentyndod fy hun sy’n siapio fy mydolwg.”
Fel yr eglura Zoë Gingell, curadur yr arddangosfa ar y cyd;
“Caiff y ddeuoliaeth hon rhwng y personol a’r cyhoeddus ei harchwilio gan Grayland drwy gyfrwng y gwaith a hefyd drwy gysylltu’r gwaith ar draws dwy safle’r arddangosfa.
Maen nhw’n ffurfio darlun llawn; un rhan yn bos a’r llall yn ateb. Yn y ddwy sioe, mae Grayland yn gobeithio annog cynulleidfaoedd i ailgysylltu gyda chwarae gemau plentyndod fel oedolion er mwyn deall a sylwi ar fecanwaith ein bywydau mewnol.”
Prints, Postcards & Pin Badges from Charlotte Grayland, available in-store and online through our digital shop. Items from this collection are available for shipping throughout the U.K. and collection both from Cardiff M.A.D.E and from Oriel Y Bont.
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