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Call for entries runs from 15.04.23 - 04.06.23. For more information on the applicant process, view our guide below.
About the Open Call
We understand that not everybody has the opportunity to study at Higher Education level, or it may have been some time since you did, which is why we are introducing the Higgins Open Call specifically for photographers who are in the process of developing their photographic vision, and who aren't currently studying the arts at higher education level.
A series of talks will launch the open call in April, to introduce the different viewpoints and work of the professional photographers who will be acting as mentors to the scheme participants.
The open call will run from 15th April until 04.06.23 and is free to enter.
Am y Galwad Agored
‘Dyn ni’n deall nad oes gan bawb y cyfle i astudio ar safon addysg uwch, neu efallai bod amser maith wedi pasio ers hyn, sef y rheswm pam ‘dyn ni’n cyflwyno’r galwad agored ‘Higgins Open Call’ yn benodol ar gyfer ffotograffwyr sydd yn y broses o ddatblygu eu gweledigaeth ffotograffig, sydd ddim ar hyn o bryd yn astudio’r celfyddydau ar safon addysg uwch.
Yn lansio’r galwad agored ym mis Ebrill, bydd cyfres o sgyrsiau i gyflwyno’r gwahanol safbwyntiau a gwaith y ffotograffwyr proffesiynol bydd yn gweithredu fel mentoriaid i’r cydgyfrannogion.
Bydd y galwad agored yn rhedeg o 15fed o Ebrill hyd at ddiwedd Mai 2023 ac am ddim i ymgeisio.
What We’re Looking For
We want to see creativity, authenticity, and enthusiasm shine through your work; in particular an approach which revells in detail, noticing the overlooked, an attitude of wonder, voicing the marginal, either with empathy or a real sense of enquiry.
The initiative was inspired by the work of Tom Higgins, an aspiring photographer whose recent exhibition In Praise of Famous Bins, presented a commentary on human inequality through humour and witty observation, framing moments he noticed from walks through local / international landscapes or marginal urban spaces, with a bin as the human surrogate.
Beth Ydyn Ni’n Chwilio Amdano
‘Dyn ni eisiau gweld creadigrwydd, dilysrwydd, a brwdfrydedd yn disgleirio trwy eich gwaith; yn enwedig agwedd sy’n gorfoleddu mewn manylion, yn sylwi ar yr anghofiedig, agwedd o ryfeddod, seinio’r ymylol, unai gydag empathi neu ymdeimlad o ymholiad.
Cafodd y fenter ei hysbrydoli gan waith Tom Higgins, ffotograffwyr uchelgeisiol y bu ei arddangosfa ddiweddar In Praise of Famous Bins, yn cyflwyno dehongliad ar anghydraddoldeb dynol drwy hiwmor ac arsylw ffraeth, yn fframio momentau sylwodd wrth gerdded ar hyd tirwedd leol/rhyngwladol ,neu ofodau trefol, gyda bin fel amnewidiad dynol.
Guidelines / Eligibility
The Higgins Photography Initiative (in Ffocws) is open to everyone living in Wales over the age of 18 who is not currently studying for any formal arts qualification. Whether you are an aspiring photographer, an enthusiast, or a beginner, we are looking for individuals who have completed at least one project/body of work along a theme or concept behind their visual enquiry.
We encourage applications from visual artists who have not had the opportunity to exhibit their work in a gallery before. We especially encourage visual artists from all underrepresented backgrounds and communities to apply.
Canllawiau / Cymhwyster
Mae ‘The Higgins Photography Initiative’ (in Ffocws) yn agored i bawb sy’n byw yng Nghymru dros 18 mlwydd oed sydd ddim yn astudio ar gyfer cymhwyster celf swyddogol ar hyn o bryd. p’un a ‘dych chi’n ddarpar ffotograffydd, yn ysbrydolwr, neu’n ddechreuwr, ‘dyn ni’n chwilio am unigolion sydd wedi cwblhau o leiaf un prosiect/corff o waith ar thema neu gysyniad tu ôl eu hymholiad gweledol.
‘Dyn ni’n annog ceisiadau gan artistiaid gweledol sydd heb gael y cyfle i arddangos eu gwaith mewn galeri hyd yn hyn. ‘Dyn ni’n annog yn arbennig artistiaid gweledol o gefndiroedd a chymunedau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol.
How to Enter
Please follow the instructions carefully. Any incomplete submissions will NOT be considered. Participants applying for the Open Call should ensure that their submissions contain the following information on the application form:
Email your submission to with the subject line: the Higgins in Ffocws Open Call 2023
Applications should be submitted via WeTransfer where files are too large to be sent via email.
Any incomplete submissions will not be considered.
By submitting your work to this open call, you agree to the terms above.
Sut i Ymgeisio
B Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau yn fanwl. NI FYDD unrhyw geisiadau anghyflawn yn cael eu hystyried. Dylai ymgeiswyr y galwad agored sicrhau bod eu ceisiadau yn cynnwys y wybodaeth ganlynol ar y ffurflen gais.
E-bostiwch eich ceisiadau i gyda’r llinell testun: the Higgins in Ffocws Open Call 2023.
Dylai ceisiadau gael eu cyflwyno drwy WeTransfer os yw ffeiliau yn rhy fawr i’w e-bostio.
Ni fydd unrhyw geisiadau anghyflawn yn cael eu hystyried.
Drwy ymgeisio eich gwaith i’r galwad agored hon, rydych yn cytuno gyda’r termau uchod.
Timeline / Llinell Amser 2023-24
Call for Entries Open // Galwad ar Gyfer Ceisiadau ar Agor
22.04.23 - 27.05.23
Programme of Free Talks by Photographers Involved as Mentors // Rhaglen o Sgyrsiau am Ddim gan Ffotograffwyr sy’n Cymryd Rhan fel Mentoriaid
Deadline for the Higgins Initiative / Dyddiad cau’r Higgins Initiative
12.06.23 - 26.06.23
Selection and Interviews (Online) of Shortlisted Applicants / Detholiad a Chyfweliadau (Ar-Lein) Ymgeiswyr ar y Rhestr fer.
01.08.23 - 01.09.23
Mentoring Sessions & Curatorial Selection of Work with all Successful Applicants / Sesiwn Mentora a Detholiad Curadurol o Waith Gyda’r Ymgeiswyr Llwyddiannus.
04.11.23 - 25.11.23
Exhibition at Ffotogallery / Arddangosfa yn Ffotogallery
01.02.24 - 01.06.24
Access to Professional Development Programme Facilitated by Ffotogallery Ffocws Scheme / Mynediad i Raglen Datblygu Broffesiynol Wedi ei Hwyluso gan Gynllun Ffocws Ffotogallery.
The Higgins Photography Initiative is a new initiative launched by Cardiff MADE in partnership with Ffotogallery to run in parallel with their 'Ffocws' scheme which supports emerging artists coming out of Higher Education with a career development programme.
The Higgins Initiative is looking for people to apply who aren’t currently in education who can demonstrate a significant engagement with photography and lens based media, with aspirations to continue and develop their photographic practice to a professional level.
Drawing on a pool of expertise, from professional photographers and educators across the Cardiff and beyond, we will steer up to four selected participants towards presenting a body of work at ffotogallery in November 2023, in conjunction with the 2023-24 ffocws cohort of emerging graduate photographers.
Mae menter ‘The Higgins Photography Initiative‘ yn fenter newydd lansiwyd gan Cardiff MADE mewn partneriaeth â Ffotogallery i redeg ochr yn ochr â chynllun 'Ffocws' sy’n cefnogi artistiaid newydd sy’n gadael addysg uwch gyda rhaglen datblygu gyrfa. Mae ‘The Higgins Initiative” yn chwilio am ymgeiswyr nid yw ar hyn o bryd mewn addysg uwch sy’n gallu profi ymgysylltiad sylweddol â ffotograffiaeth a chyfryngau lens, gydag uchelgeisiau i barhau a datblygu eu hymarferiad ffotograffiaeth hyd at safon broffesiynol.
Gan dynnu ar gronfa o arbenigedd o ffotograffwyr proffesiynol ac addysgwyr ledled y ddinas byddwn yn bugeilio hyd at bedwar unigolyn detholedig tuag at gyflwyno corff o waith yn ffotogallery ym mis Tachwedd 2023, ar y cyd a’r garfan ffocws 2023-24, sef carfan o ffotograffwyr graddedig newydd.
We’ve commissioned a series of Saturday Talks with 6 eminent photographers who
have contributed considerably to the canon of photography, located in Wales.
‘Dyn ni wedi comisiynu cyfres o Sgyrsiau Sadwrn (Saturday Talks) gyda 6
ffotograffydd adnabyddus sydd wedi cyfrannu yn sylweddol i’r canon o ffotograffiaeth
yng Nghym
Paul Cabuts uses photography to examine the visual history of the Valleys of south Wales in the UK.
A recipient of a Creative Wales Award from the Arts Council of Wales, Cabuts has been commissioned to work on numerous photography projects including the BBC’s BAFTA Cymru Award winning Capture Wales project.
Michal Iwanowski is a Cardiff based artist and a lecturer in photography at Cardiff Metropolitan University. He is interested in the themes of migration, (national) identity, belonging and loss.
His work can be found in the permanent collection of international institutions, including Museum of Contemporary art in Zagreb and the National Museum of Wales.
Abbie Trayler-Smith is an acclaimed portrait and documentary photographer, specialising in capturing people’s reactions and responses to contemporary events and social issues.
Often challenging, sometimes tinged with wry humour, but always beautifully created, Abbie’s work is exquisitely personal and naturally observational.
Paul Reas is a photographer and educator. He recently retired as the Course Leader of the Documentary Photography course at the University of South Wales in Cardiff.
Paul has worked commercially and editorially for many years and publishes, and exhibits work internationally. His work is represented by the James Hyman Gallery in London.
Clémentine Schneidermann is a French photographer. Since 2013 she has worked on several long term projects in South Wales and internationally.
She holds a MA in documentary photography from the University of South Wales and recently completed a practice-based PhD.
Faye Chamberlain has worked consistently as a professional photographic artist since 1996. She has a proven track record of producing innovative works, creating exciting images, tailored to specific audiences and environments.
Her work is vivid and immediate but imbued with a warm humanism, centred onpeople exploring their relationship with both each other and their environment.
The deadline is 4 June 2023 / Mae Dyddiad cau’r 4 Mehefin 2023
Cardiff MADE is an artist led social enterprise, which has been facilitating opportunities for emerging and established artists since 2013. At its core, it seeks to operate a nurturing role within its locality and beyond; supporting and connecting artists to one another, whilst extending the boundaries of their creative practice. MADE aims to highlight creative avenues and educate audiences through accessible and imaginative means whilst providing opportunities for artists to develop collaborative projects and new audiences.
Established in 1978, Ffotogallery is a Wales-based photography charity. Ffotogallery’s mission is to inspire engagement with and understanding of photography in Wales and the wider world. We work with and support emerging and established photographers and multidisciplinary artists, and to amplify opportunities for those who have been traditionally underrepresented or face barriers accessing the arts.
Mae Cardiff MADE yn fenter gymdeithasol sy’n cael ei harwain gan artistiaid, sydd wedi bod yn hwyluso cyfleoedd ar gyfer artistiaid newydd ac artistiaid sefydledig ers 2013. Yn ei chraidd, mae’n ceisio gweithredu rôl feithrin o fewn ei chyffiniau a thu hwnt; yn cefnogi a chysylltu artistiaid a’i gilydd, wrth ymestyn ffiniau eu hymarferiadau creadigol. Mae MADE yn anelu i amlygu cyfryngau creadigol ac addysgu cynulleidfaoedd drwy ffyrdd hygyrch a dychmygus wrth ddarparu cyfleoedd i artistiaid ddatblygu prosiectau cydweithredol a chynulleidfaoedd newydd.
Wedi ei sefydlu yn 1978, mae ffotogallery yn elusen ffotograffiaeth wedi ei lleoli yng Nghymru. Nod ffotogallery yw ysbrydoli cysylltiad a dealltwriaeth o ffotograffiaeth yng Nghymru a’r byd ehangach. Rydym yn gweithio gydag a chefnogi ffotograffwyr newydd a sefydledig ac artistiaid amlddisgyblaetho. Rydym yn gweithio i amlygu cyfleoedd ar gyfer y rheini sydd yn draddodiadol heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol neu’n wynebu rhwystrau wrth gael mynediad i’r celfyddydau.
Selected applicants will be supported in preparing work for a joint exhibition alongside the recent graduates selected by ffotogallery (in Ffocws) in Cardiff in November 2023. They will then be supported to develop their career path and practice through a tailored, six-month professional development programme which includes a series of talks, peer critiques and mentoring by professional photographers.
Bydd yr ymgeiswyr dethol yn derbyn cefnogaeth wrth baratoi gwaith ar gyfer arddangosfa ar y cyd ochr yn ochr â graddedigion diweddar a detholwyd gan ffotogallery (in Ffocws) yng Nghaerdydd ym mis Tachwedd 2023. Byddent wedyn yn derbyn cefnogaeth i ddatblygu eu llwybr proffesiynol a’u hymarferiad drwy raglen datblygu broffesiynol chwe mis wedi ei theilwra, sy’n cynnwys cyfres o sgyrsiau, beirniadaethau cyfoedion a mentora gan ffotograffwyr proffesiynol.
Entrants retain ownership and copyright of their submitted photographs. All selected entries may be published by Cardiff MADE and Ffotogallery in magazines or books, on websites, or in any other medium, at Cardiff MADE and Ffotogallery’s discretion. Such use will be restricted to promotion, publicity, news, or informational education or awareness usage by Cardiff MADE and Ffotogallery.
By participating, all selected applicants grant Cardiff MADE and Ffotogallery usage of images and acknowledge that Cardiff MADE and Ffotogallery may use the entries and a name credit in any media before, during and after, without restriction in relation to the uses stated above. Ffotogallery will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such use.
Bydd ymgeiswyr yn cadw perchnogaeth a hawlfraint ar eu ffotograffau. Gall pob cais dethol cael eu cyhoeddi gan Cardiff MADE a Ffotogallery mewn cylchgronau neu lyfrau, ar wefannau, neu unrhyw gyfrwng arall, yn ôl disgresiwn Cardiff MADE a ffotogallery. Bydd defnydd o’r fath yn cael ei gyfyngu i gyhoeddusrwydd, hysbysebiaeth, newyddion neu addysg gywbodaethol neu ddefnydd ymwybyddiaeth gan Cardiff MADE a Ffotogallery.
Drwy gymryd rhan, bydd pob ymgeisydd dethol yn caniatáu defnydd y delweddau gan Cardiff MADE a ffotogallery ac yn cydnabod gallai Cardiff Made a ffotogallery ddefnyddio'r deunydd a chydnabyddiaeth enw mewn unrhyw gyfrwng cyn, yn ystod ac ar ôl heb unrhyw rwystr mewn perthynas â’r defnydd a nodir uchod. Ni oes angen i ffotogallery dalu unrhyw gydnabyddiaeth ychwanegol na cheisio unrhyw ganiatâd ychwanegol mewn cysylltiad â defnydd o’r fath.
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